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Charities and Not for Profit organisations

In the face of increasing legislative and regulatory pressure on the not for profit sector, (legal and financial obligations) the need for efficient management of your finances underpinned by a strong and effective governance structure has never been more important.

Charity leaders are responsible for not only ensuring they have the funds to meet their objectives but must also remain compliant with the ever-changing, complex regulatory regimes that dictate charity finances and management.

Organisations often rely on trusted advisers who understand the accountancy, audit and tax requirements of the third sector and can alleviate much of the stress of running a charity or not-for-profit organisation – allowing it to operate as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.

Our charities and not-for-profit specialists have years of experience supporting a wide range of organisations with their affairs.

We support a variety of clients in varying ways, by assisting them with their management accounting, payroll, preparation of their year-end accounts and tax compliance, as well as carrying out audits that are compliant with the latest regulatory requirements.

We can also provide advice on the selection and management of trustees and support boards with the governance of their organisation.

Balancing this pressure with funding concerns, presents challenges for the charity and not for profit sector.

We understand the challenges of the sector; our in-house charities team comprises tax consultants, VAT advisers, corporate finance experts and a skilled compliance team.

We provide advice to interpret legislation, reduce the tax burden and navigate through the VAT complexity – whether you are a charity, a place of worship, social enterprise, membership or trade organisation.

Our advice to Charities and Not for Profit includes:

  • Advice on charity structures
  • Management Accounts
  • Tax Compliance and Planning
  • Audit (external and internal) and independent examination
  • Bookkeeping and payroll support, including advice on benefits in kind, redundancy and pensions
  • Risk Management, Compliance and Governance
  • Mergers and collaborations, including due diligence
  • Compliance health checks on Gift Aid, VAT and tax
  • Trading activities, using subsidies, social enterprises and Community Interest Companies (CICs).
  • advice on cost-effective financial systems and controls
  • advice on managing reserves
  • compliance with regulatory requirements
  • preparing accounts compliant with the latest Charities’ Statement of Recommended Practices (SORP) and other relevant legislation
  • support with trading activities and the setting up and management of subsidiaries
  • Strategic support and advice and assistance with budgeting and cash flow

Our team works closely with charity leaders and trustees to make the management of their organisations simpler and less stressful – allowing you to focus on delivering services to your beneficiaries.

By seeking out professional advice and support you can ensure your organisation remains compliant at all times. To find out how we can help you, speak to our team today.

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Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, or would like a free consultation or a fixed quote.

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